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Legally Quantified

4.8 ( 8288 ratings )
Утіліти Продуктивність
Розробник: Global Innovation Holdings, LLC

Legal­ly Quan­ti­fied pro­vides you the real re­sults for lawyers in your area for your type of case, putting you in the dri­ver’s seat to make the best de­ci­sions for you, your loved ones, or your busi­ness. Be­cause trans­parency and real out­comes mat­ter.

By pro­vid­ing you with the win-loss records of at­tor­neys, Legal­ly Quan­ti­fied em­pow­ers you to iden­ti­fy the high­est per­form­ing lawyers in your area for cas­es rel­e­vant to your needs.

No longer must you rely on re­fer­rals, in­dus­try awards, and anony­mous on­line re­views to choose your lawyer. All of which fail to cap­ture what you ul­ti­mate­ly care about--re­sults. With Legal­ly Quan­ti­fied, you have ac­cess to real case data and tri­al out­comes in­for­ma­tion for lawyers in your area for your type of case. Only with Legal­ly Quan­ti­fied can you pick a lawyer based on real at­tor­ney per­for­mance data.

1. Look up the win-loss record and over­all re­sults for any lawyer.
2. Search for the best per­form­ing lawyers in your area for your type of case based on real case re­sults.
3. Track your pre­vi­ous search his­to­ry for free.

Pri­va­cy pol­i­cy: https://sites.­google.­com/view/legal­ly-quan­ti­fied/home/pol­i­cy
Terms of use: https://sites.­google.­com/view/legal­ly-quan­ti­fied/home/terms

Sub­scrip­tions and Pur­chas­es
Legal­ly Quan­ti­fied is free to down­load. De­tailed re­sults are ac­ces­si­ble through in-app pur­chas­es. Two in-app pur­chas­ing op­tions are avail­able:

1. 5 search­es for $6.99.
2. An­nu­al sub­scrip­tion for $199.99, pro­vides up to 25 search­es month­ly.

Sub­scrip­tions au­to­mat­i­cal­ly re­new un­less auto-re­new is turned off at least 24-hours be­fore the end of the cur­rent sub­scrip­tion pe­ri­od.

To man­age your sub­scrip­tion, go to your iTunes Ac­count Set­tings af­ter pur­chase or click the "Auto Re­new Set­tings" op­tion in Legal­ly Quan­ti­fied.

Under the subscription, additional searches in excess of 25 searches per month can be purchased in increments of 5 searches.

Unused searches roll over month to month and annually for subscription purchases. Both transactional and subscription searches do not expire.

Sub­scrip­tions can­not be can­celled dur­ing the ac­tive sub­scrip­tion pe­ri­od.